Saturday 20 July 2013

The Weekly Grind: Kathak

Afternoon all!
I had to leave Kathak class early today and so I went for the last half of the beginners' class before mine. It was actually quite humbling in many ways. They're all such budding, enthusiastic, little students and the concentration in their faces is fantastic! They were doing some footwork that somewhere, a long long time ago in my Kathak story I have also learnt, but had long-since forgotten, so I found myself following the little kids and trying to latch on to whatever they were doing!

Today we were told that a 45 minute footwork warm up is essential, such a warm up could include two ladi's and a laybandh. Quite a good warm up actually but naturally it almost killed me today. My stamina in terms of footwork is absolutely atrocious so I may very well have to put this warm up sequence into practice!

We then went on to learn a new tukra. Despite my Guru's description of her nightmares of this tukra as a student, I quite like it. There are these four really fast spins (well, there are supposed to be 4... ;) ) that just add this amazing wow factor to the end, and the movements are really quite complex in many ways I think but then you put it together and do it properly it looks absolutely stunning.

A little thought I had today about my Kathak class is how great it is that we can all laugh together :) I think that Kathak is often a very serious dance, as in we are all very spiritual as Kathak dancers, often deep in thought and of course deep in concentration on the movements but it's great to be able to laugh. I think it gives such a great atmosphere to the class, today had us envisaging a drunk man falling backwards off of a table and a car rolling downhill with a Kathak dancer behind the wheel!

Oh and just a quick note, I actually cut my thumb on my ghungroo this morning, leaving a trail of red on them. So it really is blood, sweat and tears that goes into dance ;)

Until next time,
Happy Dancing!

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